












Welcome to the Super Monkey Ball JR information palace!

(WIP) This part of my website is gonna be dedicated to Super Monkey Ball JR, a GBA version of the beloved Gamecube game. This game is known to have bad controls, which certainly is true. But this is still one of my favourites! This is just gonna one long page as I don't feel like creating pages for everything and I want to have something all in one place

Weird oddities in the game

Playing as different characters in the credits

So this is a really weird one I've never seen online. Apparently, the buttons you're holding while you select "credits" in the options menu affects the character you'll be playing as in the minigames. This is what I atleast thought. I don't know for sure, but it's at least randomized. However, when turning the console off, turning it on again and playing the minigame from the credits, Baby still appears on the first go. This part was really badly written... It happens to me while I'm in a hurry.


Is Super Monkey Ball JR. a port of the gamecube game or a brand-spanking new Monkey Ball game? Well, it's a mix. A lot of the stages incuded are extremely similair to stages in Super Monkey Ball for the GCN. However, it doesn't include all the stages from the GCN and also includes a few new ones. It's not entirely clear wether or not it's supposed to be a port. It feels more like an interpretation. One interesting thing to note is that the pre-credits logo sequence (or whatever you want to call it) includes the text "Game Boy Advance TM version created by:". However there are some differences I would like to talk about:


The returning stages for SMB1 are all slightly different. Take A2 and compare it to it's console counterpart (I'll include images in the future). The order may also be different . A12 (gba) is similair to A15 (aka floor bent, GCN), but takes places in the desert instead of the diner stage (which is absent in the GBA version). Something else is that the Master stages in the GBA version literally take place in hell (quite fitting). Well, I always thought the master stages in the GCN version take place in monkey heaven. Also the music in the GBA version is shuffled. The sky level plays the Diner Stage music, while the Storm level plays the Sky music and the Master stages play the Storm music. The extra stages (which don't repeat themselves) and the credits play the Monkey Race music.

Cheats and glitches

I'll be making a video recording of me pulling off the cheat for people who struggle to find the right timing/

Super Nice Try!

Pressing Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A (the Konami code) at the title screen will get you "SUPER NICE TRY" in the same style as the "SUPER MONKEY BALL" appears. As far as I know, it does nothing in the game.
I'll add a picture soon

Super Enable All

Down, Down, Up, Up, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A on the title screen will unlock everything for you!
I'll add a picture soon

Super Blocky Mode

Pressing Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Down, A on the title screen will give you "Super Blocky Mode". In short, it decreases the resolution so the game won't lag as much. This is visible in the bonus stages and A7.
I'll add a picture soon